Browsing All posts tagged under »Hotel Del Coronado«

Hotel Del Coronado at the Holiday’s

January 1, 2015


    There’s something magical about the Hotel Del Coronado during the holiday’s, where the beauty of the coastline coexists with luxury holiday spirt. We booked our room at the Del months in advance for New Years Eve and when we heard the weather report we were prepared to stay in all night and listen […]

“Walkabout Malibu to Mexico” book review

November 30, 2014


There are different ways to go about a hike and explore the area. Cheryl Strayed (played by Reece Witherspoon) in the movie “Wild” loaded up a huge backpack and set out to find herself along the 1000 mile Pacific Coast Trail. Tom Courtney, a retired college instructor, has discovered that a series of coastal day […]

Tips for Planning a Fulfilling Valentines Day

January 26, 2013


For a holiday all about love and happiness, Valentines Day can cause more stress than it should. As with relationships, unmet expectations lead to disappointment. If you have a significant other, at least you know you will have someone to share the Hallmark holiday with. If you’ve been married for a while you may wish […]